The responsibility to contribute to the healing of your lineage doesn’t mean that your Ancestors didn’t do the work. Every generation has its own covenant and mission to fulfill for the lineage (which is also fulfillment for one’s self).
Your Ancestors may not have been focused on addressing the things that you do now, but in addressing what they had to focus on during their time on Earth and doing only what they could then, they created a path for more to be addressed and developed by future generations.
Anything that you are able to do better in your life and Ancestral calling is a stepping stone that was built by those who came before you – through their physical/emotional/mental effort AND also by their PRAYERS. It’s all a paced relay race and your responsibility in this lifetime is your run and torch of fire to hold – a flame that can be both harsh and comfortably warm. The fact that you have the will, resilience and heart to address what you do speaks volumes about the values, prayers & foundations of your Ancestry. They did the work, but the work is continuous and shared, and each layer of the work has its own era to be fulfilled in.
When you call yourself a “generational curse breaker” or “Healer” consider that it is by the effort of ancient prayers and fasts from souls that envisioned a better way, way before you, even when their hands couldn’t reach that yet.
There may be some things that you are struggling to resolve for yourself right now and you may transition having not quite resolved them because you just couldn’t get there yet, no matter how much you wanted to and tried. A child born three generations later may be your soul’s salvation because they are equipped with the emotional and mental tools in that era of Earth ,inspired by the prayers that you kept saying for your own heart and life during your era of Earth. You would not have meant to burden the child but your outcry reaches them because of their connection to the lineage. And through them, God fulfills the promise of deliverance having equipped the chosen child with the heart and strength to be that medicine.
This is the layered way that God delivers and the layered way that our callings arise. We are here by the work of prayers that were started lifetimes ago even if we don’t directly see it. In hard & soft moments, Ancestral responsibilities are the answers AND continuation of these prayers.
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