
You can fill out the contact form below or sending a direct email to: 

(Kindly double check the spelling of the email address you provide)


You may reach out to us for:

  • Ukuhlola – Spiritual divination and guidance
  • Personal development and wellness sessions
  • Spiritual mentorship
  • Prayer support
  • Speaking engagements
  • Collaborations with BeautifulMess
  • Brand & communications work from our business, BuhleBakho Communications



    Look out for the newsletter form across the website and sign up to be a part of the BeautifulMess community. 



    Gratitude and contributions towards the work and energy of BeautifulMess are welcome and appreciated. Please refer to the details below.


    Bank Account: Standard Bank

    Account Holder/Name: BeautifulMess

    Account Number: 10155829619

    Branch Code: 6342


    Please use your contact number or email address as reference so that we can respond to you.